Vira Kekeliia
Vocal quartet


Date of birth: 5th of May 1986;

Place of birth: Kharkiv;

Education: higher economic in «Finance»;

Main achievement at the moment: my family;

Unique/ rare trait: an awl in one place;

Actor potential/ role: not researched yet, but want to play bitch;

Where could be seen before «Zhenskiy Kvartal»: «The Voice», «Dancing with the Stars», group «A.R.M.Y»;

Parents: father – a taxi driver, mother – a storeroom at the factory;

Childhood nickname: Keka or Kesha;

First stage appearance: at the «Black Sea Games» at the age of 18;

First earned money: first fee for a performance was 30 hryvnas, and in youth was earning money by sorting raw materials t the factory;

Hobbies: camping, trips;

Ambitions/ dreams: to gather a hall of thousands who would sing along to my songs;

Personal life: married, have two sons – Ivan and Matvii.

Favourite movies

  •   «The Grand Budapest Hotel»

Favourite books

  • «Jonathan Livingston Seagull» by Richard Bach

Favourite artists/songs

  • Justin Timberlake
  • Bruno Mars
  • Jessie J

Intresting facts
