Date of birth: 17th of February 1996;
Place of birth: Vinnitsya;
Education: Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, specialty – music teacher (about to finish masters);
Main achievement at the moment: moving to Kyiv, new friends, favourite job;
Unique/ rare trait: my hair is so curly that it lives its own life;
Actor potential/ role: girl – brat;
Where could be seen before «Zhenskiy Kvartal»: «The Voice», «X – Factor», «Humour Cup»;
Parents: private entrepreneurs;
Childhood nickname: I was being called Ping – pong because of my character;
First stage appearance: solo performance at the age of 10;
First earned money: when I was 12, I got paid 250 hryvnas for a concert in a rural club;
Hobbies: pilates, dancing, drawing with oil;
Ambitions / dreams: I dream to travel a lot;
Personal life: I hide it, do not want to bedevil.